22th ANNUAL PERCUSSION WORKSHOP International Courses for Composers and Percussion Players

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David Rosenboom (USA) Ivo Medek (CZ) I Gede Arya Sugiartha (Indonesia) Jeff Beer (Germany) Tomáš Ondrůšek (CZ-D) Martin Opršál (CZ)

Ivo Medek (Cz Rep) Professor of composition and theory of composition at the Janacek Academy in Brno, working as the vice-rector. Has devoted more than 20 years exclusively to composition for percussion instruments, both practically and theoretically. In 1990 and 94, lectured at the Darmstadt courses, where his works for percussion were presented. Has was also teaching and making masterclasses at various institutions in Portugal, Poland, Germany, Holland, several American universities, Austria, the Ukraine, Thailand, Korea, etc. His works bave been played by such soloists and ensembles as ensemble récherche, Carin Lévine, Daniel Kienzy, Pascal Gallois, Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble, PluralEnsemble, Israeli Contemporary Players among others at various venues as Warsaw Autumn, Wiener Festwochen, Audio-Art, Ad libitum, Darmstadt Summer Courses, Moscow Autumn, Prague Spring Festival etc.. He received the Alypios Fund grant in Munich, the Annual Prize of the Czech Music Fund and has won other prizes in national and international competitions. Medek is the widely published author (author or co-author of three books and many articles). Workshop subjects: Analysis of own works, general compositional principles, specific forms...