23rd ANNUAL PERCUSSION WORKSHOP International Courses for Composers and Percussion Players

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Ulrich Krieger Ivo Medek (CZ) Peter Adriaansz Jeff Beer (Germany) Tomáš Ondrůšek (CZ-D)

Program of the courses:

consists of workshops and seminars given by our regular professors of the younger and middle generation who were carefully chosen by the organizers, supplemented with lectures by visiting professors who are being invited for one workshop and seminar. The guests for this year for duration of all courses are the world renowned personalities: Ulrich Krieger – professor of composition at California Institute of the Arts in LA, Peter Adriaansz professor of compostion at Royal Conservatory Den Haag, Jeff Beer – composer, percussionst and visual artist, Ivo Medek – professor of compostion at Janáček Academy of Music, Tomáš Ondrůšek professor of percussion at Strossmayer University Osijek

The lecture series will be supplemented with a concert series. The concerts will take place in the concert hall of the Music Centre Urban and are open to the public. Performers will include instructors and participants of the course.

General course outline:

30. 6. afternoon - arrival of participants

1.7. – 5.7.
morning - group instruction - lectures
afternoon - workshops and seminars, individual lessons
evening – concerts of lecturers and participants

final concert – performance of miniatures composed by the participants
in the frame of the courses

7. 7. departure of participants