27thANNUAL PERCUSSION WORKSHOP International Courses for Composers and Percussion Players

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

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Ivo Medek (CZ) Genevieve Murphy (CZ) Dieter Mack (CZ) Jeff Beer (Germany) Tomáš Ondrůšek (CZ-D) Martin Švec (SK)

Tomáš Ondrůšek (Cz Rep. , Ger) Studied percussion at the academies in Nurnberg and Stuttgart. Performed as a soloist in the renowned Percussion Ensemble Stuttgart. Has appeared in concerts throughout Europe, awards include the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes. Has performed solo recitals in Pragae, Moscow, Nurnberg, St. Petersburg, Brno and elsewhere. Many guest lecturer appearances, including performance courses in contemporary music and the R. Strauss Conservatory in Munich, JAMU Brno, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, Musik Hochschule Bonn, R. Korsakov Conservatory in St. Petersburg and others. From 1995-96 participated in such festivals as Warsaw Autumn, Bienale St. Petersburg, Prague Spring, etc. Presently is a member of the ensemble AGON. Workshop subjects: notatíon, analysis of works by famous composers (Xenakis, Lachenmann and otbers), development and construction of sticks and mallets.